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A Message From Our Philanthropy Chair

It is my honor to be the Philanthropy Chairman for Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity at Virginia Tech. Our Brothers are so passionate and dedicated to helping others. We conduct ourselves by our core values of Social Responsibility and Brotherly Love. Keep an eye out for future Philanthropic events, which will be posted onto this page.

Thank You To Our Partners

Service and philanthropy activities are important to the overall development of each of us as members of our communities. The value our organization places on service and philanthropy is evident in the fact that it is referenced in our Mission, Credo and Ritual. They are integral aspects of what it means to be a true ZBT and to represent the values of the Fraternity both within our own organization and in our communities.


Jewish Women International

Jewish Women International (JWI) is the leading Jewish organization working to empower women and girls by ensuring and protecting their safety, health, rights, and economic security; promoting and celebrating inter-generational leadership; and inspiring civic participation and community engagement. JWI, one of ZBT’s national philanthropies, provides chapters with prevention programming to create stronger and safer Greek communities. JWI works with students to create sexual assault and dating violence prevention programming so that they understand how to ask for consent, so that every bystander knows to intervene, so that if a friend discloses after an assault students know how to respond, how to identify an abusive relationship, and build a culture of respect. Together with ZBT, JWI has reached more than 4,000 Greek life students through programs like Safe Smart Dating, a sexual assault and dating violence prevention workshop for Greek life, which has been implemented on nearly 50 campuses nationwide.

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