Thank You Alumni
Brotherhood for a Lifetime
We could not do it without our great alumni. Although we were recently reestablished in October 2019, our alumni paved the path for Zeta Beta Tau at Virginia Tech. We invite all alumni to stay active with our Fraternity. Please fill out the form below if you are not currently receiving newsletters, and please feel free to join our alumni Facebook group.
You can join our Alumni Facebook group at the following link:

Delta Xi Alumni Association
The Delta Xi Alumni Association is now officially back up and running. COVID-19 has made it difficult for us to make plans for the fall but the recently chartered Delta Xi Chapter is hard at work and have big plans for the 2024-2025 school year. We hope you will officially join the Alumni Association with a membership of $10/year. The money will be used to help take care of the administrative work of the association. ZBT is about Brotherhood for a Lifetime. So you aren’t going to get kicked out if you don’t “officially” join-- but we hope Alumni Brothers will complete the form attached below. The Alumni Association is also establishing a fund with the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation that you can make tax deductible contributions too. This fund will help provide scholarships to Undergraduate Brothers at VT and help offset the costs of the required educational functions they attend for ZBT National (ie Convention & Leadership School, the regional conclaves, etc). If you would like to make a contribution or pledge, please let Bret Hrbek know. We have to start with funding of $5,000 with a goal of at least $25,000 in five years.
Contact Us
Questions about our Chapter? Interested in rushing?
Don't hesitate to reach out!
Communications Director:
Recruitment Director:
Alumni Association President: